Spa kit created for ta ceremony of contemplation of the bodily temple and a tool in the service of purification. The Bathe and Meditate kits are sweet bundles composed of hand made incense, vegan aged-essential oil soap, a stick of high resin Palo Santo wood and the following incense blends: Pure Breu Resin; White Sage + Breu Resin; Palo Santo + Breu Resin; Chacrona & Jagube + Breu Resin, and Palo Santo, Wiracoa and another chosen medicinal plant, either Myrrh, Copal, Pine or Rosemary.

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- Offering authentic, sustainable products that support artisans, their families, and indigenous ways Learn More...

- Consciously serving our community for over 22 years with integrity and passion Learn More...

- Reducing our use of resources with Earth conscious shipping and packaging practices Learn More...