Serge Kahili King, Ph.D., holds a doctorate in psychology from California Western University. He has studied with master shamans from Africa to Hawaii and has trained thousands in his popular seminars. He is the president of Aloha International, a non-profit organization dedicated to spreading the aloha spirit of peace through blessing. He is also the founder of Order of Huna International, which teaches workshops in personal effectiveness and trains shaman peace-makers and healers to work in modern, urban environments. King is regarded as a kahuna kupua or master practitioner of the Hawaiian shaman way. He is the author of the world's largest selection of books on Huna, the Polynesian philosophy and practice of effective living, and on the spirit of Aloha, the attitude of love and peace for which the Hawaiian Islands are so famous. He also writes extensively on Hawaiian culture and is a novelist as well. For more about the author please visit his website
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