A study and translation of the Authenticity of Open Awareness , a foundational text of the Bon Dzogchen tradition. It includes an extensive commentary and explanatory material that situates the text in the context of Tibetan thought and makes it accessible. This is the first time a Bon philosophical text of this scope has been translated into English. Unbounded Wholeness offers an original and compelling study of the Dzogchen contemplative traditions of Bon, the indigenous Tibetan religion. In this well-researched and beautifully written book, Anne Klein and Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche chart new terrain, revealing in Bon a dynamic way of spiritual self-cultivation and thought. Matthew Kapstein. This volume is a major contribution to our understanding of the Tibetan philosophical and religious tradition. The study opens this difficult literature to the Western reader, and the translation is lucid and accessible. -Jay Garfield

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