The energy of this nakshatra is soft, mild, tender and curious. It has a deer in the forest as one of its original symbols. This gentle and shy animal is always on the alert and aware of invisible predators lurking in the bushes. This hyper-alertness gives great intuition, psychic abilities and expanded awareness to those who engage with Mrigasira (also written as Mrigashira). Known as “the Star of searching” it gives a passion for novelty, a restless and wandering nature. It is delighted, excited, joyful, playful and sensitive. “Just follow your heart” could be its motto.
The deity Soma presides over this star. Soma is the elixir of the gods, the ancient psychedelic drink of the Vedas. Ever curious Mrigasira could certainly give us the inclination to explore other realms and higher states of awareness with the help of various medicine plants.
This energy grants us fulfillment and its final aim is Moksha or enlightenment.
Mrigasira’s 4 stars can be seen in the sky as: π 2-, π3-, π4- and Gamma Orionis.
Contains: Sustainably sourced, carbon neutral Hawaiian Volcanic Water, Ocean Vodka (Made from organic sugar cane blended with deep ocean mineral water. gluten free, non gmo) & Red Coral gem essence. Activated in the Kathiramangalam Vana Durga, Kathiramangalam in India and in Kadavul Temple in Kauai, Hawaii
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