The Magic of Yarrow: Exploring its Dual Nature in Plant Essence Form

Linda Crider

Yarrow Plant Essence: Uncovering Its Healing Properties

Yarrow plant essence, derived from the vibrant Achillea millefolium, has been used for centuries to heal both physical wounds and emotional trauma. Known as the "wounded healer," Yarrow is a powerful tool in energy medicine and spiritual healing practices. In this article, we'll explore the rich history of Yarrow, its unique healing properties, and how to use Yarrow plant essence to restore balance in your life.


One of the things I love most about plants and the unique medicine they offer is the mystery that often surrounds their healing power.  I recall a clinical herbalist once advising his herbal remedy students that if one wants black and white explanations, then consider becoming an accountant!  He likely had an herb such as Yarrow in mind, and the conflicting actions of this herb are what has made it a particular favorite of plant medicine healers for centuries.  Yarrow not only has many purposes, but also some that appear contradictory.  This quality makes it a fascinating plant to explore for its physical and spiritual healing abilities.  

As a flower essence practitioner, I’m especially interested in taking a deep dive into the energetics of this multifaceted and magical plant and to learn what the overarching mother spirit of Yarrow might want to share with those of us willing to hear her advice and wisdom.  Using Yarrow in a plant essence form allows for its high vibration to assist in making such an otherworldly connection on a metaphysical level.  Solar Flora now offers Yarrow in this plant essence form for anyone wanting to work with the frequencies of this magical herb.  


The Healing Power of Yarrow: Physical and Spiritual Benefits

Plant essences are a form of energy medicine where the vibrational signature of a plant is extracted using a process similar to homeopathy when the essence of leaves, stems, or flowering parts is infused into water.  This results in an energetically charged, highly diluted substance that is ingested or applied topically, and the body recognizes a subtle, balancing, and healing alteration.  They are especially ideal for those who wish to avoid the stronger, more concentrated forms of plant medicine, such as herbal extracts or essential oils.  

Experiencing the plant’s frequencies begins with considering its physical properties and folk history. Despite the delicate appearance of its flowers and feathery leaves, Yarrow is a hardy and thriving perennial that adapts to a variety of environments, both tropical and arid, and it is one that also presents other dualities.  It has both dry and moist qualities and is associated mostly with the element of water but also with that of air.  As an herbal remedy, it can heal internally by stimulating blood flow and topically by staunching bleeding wounds-- two seemingly contradictory actions. 


The Legend of the Wounded Healer

 It is said that the botanical name for Yarrow (Achillia millefolium) actually comes from the legend of the Greek warrior Achilles who used poultices of this plant to treat the wounds of his soldiers on the battlefield. The Achilles story includes his mother (the goddess Thetis) holding him by his heel and bathing him in what has been said to be a vat of Yarrow.  Her plan was to make him invincible, but his heel remained unprotected, and the myth evolved into what we know as the proverbial “Achilles Heel,” an area that indicates one’s personal weak spot.  

Such folk details have contributed to Yarrow’s reputation as the sacred archetypal remedy for the “wounded healer.”  It assists with the painful but necessary internal process of exploring our darker, more vulnerable sides while simultaneously providing external protection from the outside world by encouraging healthy boundaries.

Yarrow has been used and celebrated in many cultures, and archeological evidence dates its popularity back 50,000 years.  Healers in the United Kingdom and China as well as the medicine people of North American Native tribes have used it over time for divination, purification and ceremony.

This presented a bit of a dilemma for me when I began planning a meditation to visit the spirit of Yarrow.  I’ve been taught to always call on the assistance of a spirit guide to come with me on journeys to other realms.  Since they exist in these otherworldly places, these helpful beings lead the pathway to the spirit world, protect from unwanted entities and sometimes act as an intermediary when approaching powerful plant spirits. I have a few guides on my “team” that have presented themselves to do this work, and I like to invite one that I feel is best suited to the plant’s cultural heritage.  The issue became which one to focus on, and I narrowed it to either one representing a Native American tradition or a Celtic one.

Well, I thought, why not extend the invitation to both and see who comes forward!


I made this a part of setting my intention and began to follow the customary steps that I learned for the process of doing a shamanic journey.  This included turning on rhythmic drumming background music in a quiet, darkened room.  I usually do this lying down, but decided to experiment this time by sitting upright which made it easier to first ingest four drops of the Yarrow plant essence and then gently rub a few on my wrist.  

With my eyes closed and feet firmly on the floor I visualized moving along a path that led to the huge sequoia tree where I always begin these meditations.  I usually see myself wearing a loose -fitting green jacket, but this time around I was dressed in white.  When I entered the interior of the tree, I called for whichever guide agreed to accompany me on this journey, and my Native American plant medicine woman appeared.  This wasn’t surprising since I already knew that many tribes used Yarrow as a purification herb in their sweat lodges.

She guided me on a path that led to an extensive meadow where there was a large patch of Yarrow that stood out from the other flowers.  The spirit of this plant showed herself as a feminine, angelic being wearing white robes.  She gave us permission to enter by extending both of her hands toward us.  When I asked for any thoughts she wanted me to share with others, I was told it was all about embracing “softness.”  She showed us that although Yarrow is a sturdy plant, her leaves and flowers were soft.  The world, she said, has become hard and harsh and meeting this with softness was the best antidote.  

When someone is harsh to you, respond by taking the opposite approach.  She advised thinking softer thoughts, literally walking the earth with a soft step, and writing with a soft hand.  If you find yourself being harsh, look up to the gently moving white clouds for inspiration and a reminder to be otherwise.

 As is usually the case, I quickly got the impression that our session was coming to a close.

I’ve been taught that leaving small gifts for the plant spirits is an important way to honor them and express gratitude for their wisdom and guidance.  This time, before taking our leave of this gentle plant spirit, we left tiny white pebbles that my guide said would help encourage better drainage of the plant’s root system.  After returning on the path back to the interior of the tree, my guide’s final words to me were a reminder to take the plant spirit’s suggestions to heart myself.  Got it!


Using Yarrow Essence for Personal Healing and Balance

When I considered this experience after returning to real world consciousness, I could see that I was given another reference to polarities, this time that of harshness and gentleness.  Plant essences are about reaching and maintaining balance.  The essence of Yarrow allows us to recognizing the importance of living in a more balanced way by staying strong and protected in our individuality while simultaneously responding to the outside world with empathy and solicitude.



What are the benefits of Yarrow plant essence?

A powerful protection essence yarrow is known to strengthen energetic boundaries, helping sensitive individuals shield themselves from unwanted external energies. Yarrow also supports emotional balance by helping to calm overwhelming feelings and promote inner peace. It provides grounding and centering, making it easier to navigate chaotic environments. It helps enhance mental clarity and focus to support clear thinking and decision-making. Lastly, while flower essences primarily focus on emotional and energetic healing, Yarrow’s traditional uses for physical ailments are mirrored in the plant essence’s ability to support recovery from emotional or energetic wounds. 


How do I use Yarrow flower essence?

Yarrow essence can be incorporated into your life in a variety of ways. Most commonly several drops are placed onto or under your tongue and ingested orally. You may also place drops directly onto pressure points of the body, add drops into your drinking water, add drops into your bathwater, or even dream with your essence by placing several drops onto your pillow before sleep.

What does Yarrow symbolize spiritually?

Yarrow is a profoundly spiritual plant associated with protection, warding off evil, establishing boundaries, and purification. Associated with both the water and air elements the duality of this medicinal plant spirit is a valuable and versatile ally, aiding in both physical healing and energetic protection.
Linda Crider - Blog Post Author

Linda Crider

Linda Crider is a dedicated practitioner and advocate of plant-based healing with decades of experience. As a Bach Flower Registered Practitioner (BFRP), Linda specializes in utilizing the vibrational frequencies of plants to support emotional healing and well-being.

In addition to her work as a BFRP, Linda is a trained herbalist who teaches plant medicine classes at several campuses within the Maricopa Community College District in Arizona. Her journey into plant healing has been further enriched by her recent completion of the Temple Keeper˜ Apprentice program, led by Elizabeth Seraphine, founder of The Priestess Path Lineages of Light® Mystery School, where she deepened her knowledge of western shamanism and its core practices.

Linda’s evolving work has led her to explore the spiritual dimensions of plants, often referred to as "devas" in various traditions. This new focus has opened a profound path of discovery, inviting her to engage more deeply with the wisdom and healing potential that the plant world offers. She invites others to join her on this journey as she learns from the plants how to heal both ourselves and the Earth. Linda's website is