Eliot Cowan is the founder of the Blue Deer Center in Margaretville, New York, where he provides training in Plant Spirit Medicine and other traditions. For many years, he apprenticed with the shaman Don Guadalupe Gonzalez Rios who, in 2000, ritually recognized Cowan as a guide to shamanic apprentices in the Huichol tradition. He is a member of the Council of Elders for the Temple of Sacred Fire Healing. See bluedeer.org.
"Through the pages of the book, you will meet many people and enjoy a narrative of healing, hope, and transcendent connection with nature.This is a magical journey, told very descriptively and with great reverence and love. It is a story about repairing the web of life - on this side and the other. The best news is that we can practice these ancient teachings in our own backyards or with the herb gardens on our kitchen window sills. Cowan tells us how to do that." --Anna Jedrziewski and InannaWorks.com
"Cowan has charted the territory for a medicine of the past and the future and restores one of the vital links for this to happen--which is the healing power behind our relationship with the plant world. This book is an excellent addition to the alternative medicine collections." --Malidoma Somé, author of Ritual: Power, Healing and Community and Of Water and the Spirit: Ritual, Magic and Initiation in the Life of an African Shaman
"Eliot Cowan's inspiring Plant Spirit Medicine explores the intrinsic unity and connectedness of all living things. It extends the boundaries of consciousness to include not just humans and animals but plants as well. Important not only because of its profound implications for healing, this book is a blueprint for our survival. It illuminates the kind of sacred regard we must develop for all of life on Earth if our species is to survive and thrive." --Larry Dossey, MD, author of One Mind: How Our Individual Mind Is Part of a Greater Consciousness and Why It Matters

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